Well, the blog I made really lived up to my expectations but not all of them because many people of this class has visited in and leave their comments but not all of my expectations have been met because people around the world has not come in my blog and left any comments because Mr. Hide has not announced us to the world. Maintaining a blog is not so hard because you only need to put what you feel about things and this helps you share your opinions with someone that is the world. I feel blogs are an easy way to do homework and to express yourself. At the beginning I thought that it was a bad idea because I thought that if you do your homework and post it and the teacher goes to the computer and somehow he finds out that the post is not there, he will put a bad grade even though the post is there and he can't see it. In technical aspects I had a bad experience because when I was doing my free post, suddenly when I was going to post it, my computer somehow restarted and all my work was lost. Several days later when I was going to do the free post I did it but I noticed that it wasn't good as the other. When I give it to Mr. Hide he put %65 because it was not good enough.
This experience surprised me a lot because I didn't know that I could share all my thoughts with people around the world. Also it surprises me that I learn what does blogging means and how it fells like to do it. Now I fell that blogging is wonderful and I know that I will continue blogging all my thoughts and ideas. I think this is very cool and I think that I will continue learning about it.